Monday, August 13, 2018

Happy Birthday, #7

Good Morning!

Today is my grandson's 15th Birthday!  Where did the time go.  He was a toddler and I blinked and now he is taller than me and entering high school as a freshman.  He's also in the Morton High School Marching Band.  He has worked so hard in the month of July and I am so proud of him.

I love him to pieces, but one of his habits that drives me up the wall, is that his shoes are ALWAYS untied.  In the 2018 Sale-A-Bration Catalog, one of the stamps showed gym shoes, untied.  I just had to make a card for him using this set.  I also got out my water color paper and brusho - what a fun medium to work with!  Here is the card....

I used almost all retired product.  This was a fun card to make and I just hope I didn't put too much bling on it.  I did use a technique where I watered down the liquid tombow glue and spattered it on the card front.  Then I sprinkled gold glitter on the card.  I thought it gave it some nice sparkle.  Plus I love blue and gold together.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Stampin'Up demonstrator?  There is no purchase the starter kit, which is $125 worth of Stampin'Up product - all your choice, for only $99.  You get to see and order product early, you earn a 20% discount  - your starter kit is shipped free;  no shipping or handling.  If you want to buy just for your self and be a hobby demonstrator, that is ok! To maintain your demonstrator status, you do have to sell $300 per quarter, which doesn't take much to do.  Plus, you have until the next quarter to make your minimum.  So if you sign up today, you don't have to sell your first $300 until Dec 31st.  With the new Holiday catalog coming out, this is a perfect way for you to fulfill you wish list at a discount!  Plus you will gain membership in the Central Illinois Stray Ducklings - a lively group of demonstrators who love to share their love of Stampin'Up !  As a member of my team, I will help you in anyway that you need...hobby or business - I will do everything I can to make you a success!

Want to find out more information?  Please contact me and I will be happy to talk to you.

There are just 3 more birthdays coming up - August 20th, September 6th and September 13th.  Follow my blog to see what other birthday celebration cards I can come up with!

Have a blessed day,


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