Friday, August 3, 2018

Birthdays - Continued

Hi All!

Sorry, I kind of fell behind in sharing my families many, many birthdays in the months of July, August and September.  I already showed you Alice and Maelyn's cards.  Now I will show you my sons, my husbands and my grandson Sage's cards:

First, Matthew's card.  His birthday was on July 12th:

Next is my husband Gary.  His birthday was on the 18th of July:

 Poor guy - he's pre-diabetic and has to watch what he eats.  This sentiment was perfect for him!

Lastly is my grandson Sage.  Here is his card:

My son Jeff had a birthday on the 28th of July, but he is definitely not a card kind of guy - more of a meat and potato's kind.  So he didn't get a card.  Maybe next year.

I hope you enjoyed seeing all the birthday cards I've been making.  Have 2 in August and 2 in September still coming up and then I can relax for a while. 

Have a blessed day!


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