Saturday, December 10, 2022

December Stray Duckling Blog Waddle - Holiday Papercrafting!

 Greetings Friends and welcome to the December 2022 Stampin' Stray Duckling Blog Waddle.  This month's theme is anything holiday.  

Today not only am I going to show you a Holiday/Christmas card, but also a fund fold as well.  This card is called a pop up bendy card.  It's super easy to make and it is a card with a WOW!  When you open it up the image inside pops out.  It can be made either vertical or horizontal.  The first card I'm showing is the horizontal version:

                                    This is the front of the card - a gatefold with a belly band:

This is the card Front and Belly Band

                                        This is the inside with a pop out bendy that gives a 3-d dimension to the 
                                        Christmas tree inside.

And here is the vertical version - I used the aspen tree die found in the Holiday Mini Catalog.  This is my absolute favorite die and stamp set called Perched in a Tree bundle.    Good news too.  It's being carried forward to the next mini catalog, but not as a bundle.  So if you want to save 10%, you need to order it now!

Click Here for the free pdf with the supplies and measurements.  The secret is the mechanism for the inside which consists of a bendy strip and a wobble, attached to the bendy strip.  

These cards are super simple to make and fun to give and receive!

The next blog you will be waddling to is duckling Kim Baker

Here is a list of all the ducklings waddling this month:

May you have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

Blessings,   Sheryl

Thursday, November 10, 2022

November Stray Ducklings Blog Waddle - Bundles!

 Hi all!

This month we are featuring Stampin'Up! bundles.  This is where SU sells both stamp set and the coordinating dies or punch together by offering a 10% discount!  Bundles are a great way to save!

This month I selected a bundle from the July-December Mini Catalog (aka Holiday Catalog).  It's called Perched in a Tree Bundle.  Here is what the bundle looks like:

Don't you just love the Aspen Tree Dies?  That's what sold me on this set.  I made a Christmas card using this bundle.  Here it is:

It was very easy to make as well.  I used Night of Navy ink and card stock.  For the background and envelope flap, I used a stamp from the Artistically Inked set and randomly stamped it to create that effect.  Easy-peasy!

Here is a pdf with all the measurements and accessories that I used.  

Click here for the Free Inspiration Sheet

I hope you enjoyed my card.  Let me know if you have any questions.  It was fun and easy to put together.  

You next stop on the blog waddle is Kim Baker

Here is a list of all who are participating tonight:

Blessings,  Sheryl

Product List
Chic Dies

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November Class is now in Session - Christmas Cards Part 3

 Hi all!

I'm finishing up our 3 months and 30 cards class with a bang.  There are 3 different fun folds (double Z fold, flip fold and a book binding easel fold) in this months class plus we will be making a slim card and an envelope to go with it! (Thank you Sharon Armstrong for the instructions on how to do this!).  We will also be making a card that uses up all those little bits and bobs left over from cutting designer series paper!

Here are the cards:

I'm also featuring the Lights Aglow 6x6 Designer series paper.  

You will be making a total of 10 cards (with envelopes) and a set of recipes for the cards we make.  Cost is $35.  

Times and Places:

November 18th - 10am - 2pm - Morton Christian Church

November 20th - 1:30 pm - 5:pm - My Home

These cards are really easy to make, so if you are a novice card maker, please do not hesitate to try this class!  Plus you will meet some really special ladies who share my passion.

Please let me know if you are attending this class by Thursday, November 10th.  Thank you and I hope to see you in November!

Blessing,  Sheryl

Monday, October 10, 2022

October Stampin' Stray Ducklings Blog Waddle - Celebrating Fall

 Hi all!

Welcome to our October 2022 Blog Waddle.  Fall is here!

Cool nights, warm days, the trees preparing for their winter sleep, pumpkins, colorful gourds and hot apple cider!  All images of fall.  This month we are trying to capture that in our cards that we are showing you.

Today we are celebrating the Autumnal Season with cards.  Here are 4 samples of cards that I have been inspired to make using a variety of techniques and tools.

I used a fun technique with this card:  I used the baby wipe technique, where you add spots of color from your re-inkers onto a baby wipe, then use the baby wipe as your stamp pad.  I used Old Olive, Cajun Craze and Pumpkin Pie re-inkers to create this card.

Isn't she cute!  I used a fun new way to add DSP to my card.  My base card was 4-1/4 x 11, scored at 5-1/2.  I then cut a Basic White layer of 4 x 5-1/4.  I used the Gingham Cottage DSP paper by cutting 2 - 2 x 2 squares and then cutting them diagonally, placing the triangles in each corner.  Makes for a unique use of DSP and a bit of an optical illusion!

This card is a basic layout - one of my favorites.  I add texture to the layering panel of card stock by using the Leaf Fall 3-d embossing folder.  A little dry embossing adds that extra something-something to a card.  

And lastly, this beauty which I CASE'd from Mary Deatherage of  I was really taken with this card and it was so easy to make from a 6x6 piece of DSP - this creates not only the background on the card, but you have enough left over to decorate the envelope flap.  I used the Rustic Harvest Designer Series paper, and then colored the leaves using blending brushes adding the colors of  Daffodil Delight and Pumpkin Pie stamp pads.

Just one more.  I use paper napkin to make this card!  Yes and so easy to do!  You just need to tear off the layers until you only have one.  A glue stick on some Basic white card stock to glue it down, trim and you have a very pretty background for your card.  There are so many pretty napkins that are made, the possibilities are endless.  I made this as a birthday card for our minister at church.

Thanks for stopping by.  Your next stop will be fellow duckling Kim Baker

Here is a list of all the Stray Ducklings that are participating this month.  Be sure to check out their posts for further inspiration.

Blessings,  Sheryl

Product List

Painted Texture 3 D Embossing Folder
Leaf Fall 3 D Embossing Folder
Stampin' Cut & Emboss Machine
Hello Harvest Bundle (English)
Oceanfront Photopolymer Stamp Set
Soft Seedlings Cling Stamp Set (English)
Bewitching Bundle (English)
Hello Harvest Bundle (English)
Gingham Cottage 12" X 12" (30,5 X 30,5 Cm) Designer Series Paper
Leaf Fall 3 D Embossing Folder
Rustic Harvest 12" X 12" (30.5 X 30.5 Cm) Designer Series Paper
Brushed Metallic 12" X 12" (30.5 X 30.5 Cm) Cardstock
Brushed Metallic Adhesive Backed Dots

Friday, October 7, 2022

October Class is now in Session - Part II of the 30 cards of Christmas

 Hi all!

The October class has been designed and scheduled!  This is part II of our 30 cards of Christmas - where you make 10 Christmas cards every month (2 each of 5 designs), for 3 months.  We just finished September.  Here are the cards for October:

The cards are fairly easy to make - the red bird card is actually a paper napkin that I glued onto card stock.  I'll show you how that is done in class.  There is also a fun fold card!

Dates and Time and Places for October 2022 Classes:

Thursday, October 20th - 10am - 2pm - Home of Bette N

Friday, October 28th - 10am - 2pm - Morton Christian Church

Sunday, October 30th - 1:30pm - 5:00 pm - my home

These classes are for those in the Peoria/Bloomington Illinois area.  Let me know by October 11th if you plan on attending and which session!

In case you missed it, here are the cards we made in September:

Stay tuned to see the cards we will be making in November - check back around November 1st!

Blessings,  Sheryl

Saturday, September 10, 2022

September Stampin' Stray Ducklings Blog Waddle: Embossing Folders!

 Hi All!

Welcome to our Blog Waddle for September - your place for monthly inspiration!

This month, we challenged ourselves to show different ways to use Stampin'Up's wonderful embossing folders...a must have for every card maker!  I will show you 3 ways that I use embossing folders - we use at least one in every one of my classes!

What is an embossing folder?  They are plastic and hinged, and when you put it through the Stampin'Up Cut & Emboss Machine, it makes a raised pattern on your card stock.  Stampin'Up has 2 types - embossing and 3-D embossing, which gives you a much more distinctive impression.

The first way I use my embossing folder, is simply as a background.  In August, I used the Leaf Fall 3-D folder to give my card a little "something, something", in the very vanilla part of the front of the card.  It adds a bit of texture and interest.  

The second way that I like to use the embossing folders is to put the stamped image or the adhered Desinger series paper through a folder - I usually use a fine image, such as the Painted Texture, or he Timeworn Type - a finer image.  What this does to the card, is unify the dsp and also makes it look a bit like a fabric.  On the second sample below, I used different folders, now retired, but the effect is the same:

Painted Texture 3D

Tasteful Textile 3-D folder (retired)

The third way I like to use the Stampin'Up embossing folders is on the envelope flaps!  I unique and quick way to make that envelope a little bit more special.  Here is what is looks like:

Here is a photo of how you would put it through the Cut & Emboss machine.  To avoid a crease and for perfect placement, just put the flap in the folder.  

The folder is going through the machine sideways, which is not recommended, but as long as you don't do too many, it should be ok.  

I hope you enjoyed today's tips on how to use the embossing folders.  

Your next stop in this blog waddle is:  Kim Baker

Here is a list of all our participants.  Be sure to visit and leave a comment!  We love hearing from you!

May you have a Blessed Day!


Product List
Painted Texture 3 D Embossing Folder
Leaf Fall 3 D Embossing Folder
Stampin' Cut & Emboss Machine
Hello Harvest Bundle (English)
Oceanfront Photopolymer Stamp Set
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