Monday, April 13, 2020

April Class - Is now remote! Maybe....

Hi Stampers!

Well, due to circumstances beyond my control, I only had one class in March.  The other 3 were cancelled due to Illinois Shutter-in-Place.  They were definitely Easter cards, but I shall convert them to sympathy cards or all occasion cards.  More information on this later.

April, I did design cards.  I was going to go with a birthday theme, but with everyone keeping their social distance, I felt we needed to encourage each other to keep the faith, that this will all pass and we will survive.  It may take a while, but we will survive.  Anyway, there is a stamp set in the 2020 Mini Catalog,  called Positive Thoughts which I think is so appropriate for right now.  Here are the cards that I designed:

These cards express what I'm thinking right now - Hugs, Prayers and Love.

I have a feeling we will be asked to keep our social distance for quite a while, so I'm thinking I will do video's on these cards.  You can buy the card kit- I will have the paper all cut for you.  You just need to stamp and assemble, with help from my video's.  It's been a while since I've done a video, so the first few might be a big rough.  I'll give it a try and let you know.

I'm also keeping busy making face masks for my family and for OSF St. Francis.  They have put out the call that they need the cloth masks for their employees.  I've made several so far from left over quilt fabric - so many different ways to make them - with pocket, without, ties or elastice - pleated or not pleated!  I've made a few of each to see what I find the best to make.  Here's a picture of what I've made so far:

I also have made hot cross buns - I make them every Good Friday - we eat them at 3pm to break the fast of Good Friday.  We eat one pan on Friday and then on Easter Day, I serve them with my meal, which will be just Gary and I this year.

I made Easter Treats for 3 of my 6 grandkids - we sent Fanny May to the kiddos in Colorado, but for the ones close to home, I made pizza box treats and little Easter baskets filled with chocolate eggs.

And Baskets:

So you can see I've been keeping myself busy.  I really miss going to the pool for exercise everyday.  I try to walk, but I'm not a big fan of cold and windy.

I hope you have a Blessed and Joyful Easter - even when sheltered in.  It's Easter and there is hope!



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